The latest information about Facebook algorithms 2017

Theo tin tức từ Guardian, trong một tài liệu bị rò rỉ có thông tin mạng xã hội lớn nhất toàn cầu tiếp tục kiểm soát những gì mà người dùng thấy hàng ngày bằng việc thay đổi thuật toán Facebook 2017.

In February 2017, Facebook announced some changes in algorithm of displaying on users’ News Feed. According to that, the new algorithm will help News Feed evaluate quality of content and prioritize to display news, updated information with high-confidence on top.


The first change of this “big man” was based on the core value of Facebook - "authentic communication". In other words, Facebook wants positive contents on News Feed which have opportunity to reach users higher than the misleading information, sensation and the spam spill everyday.

Most recently in May 2017, there’s a topic about the lastest change on Facebook’s algorithms 2017 at the F8 conference - an annual Facebook’s event held at the McEnery Convention Center, San Jose, California. Mark Zuckerberg asserted: “We are building technology which provided people power to share anything they want with anyone else".

With the use of algorithm in determining the specialized page posting, sharing the message as spam and the message contains unsuitable content through like, comment and share, Facebook will evaluate the content quality, thereby, remove inappropriate content, spam, "junk" advertising, the unwholesome news.

In addition, Facebook has changed Facebook’s algorithm 2017 to predict what information will excite and attract users and prioritize them to the top of News Feed. Then through likes, comments and shares changes of real time, social networks will evaluate that information, whether they are really suitable, good spreading or not and will continue to prioritize if the index are positive.

Therefore, with the change of this algorithm, posts appear on News Feed of users will be changed substantial, especially posts from Fanpages. Specific changes of lastest Facebook’s algorithm in 2017 will be detailed below:

Likes will no longer consider as interactions

Previously, when you liked posts of someone regularly, News Feed would display the later posts of that person in priority by default.

But now, with the change of Facebook’s new algorithm, you have to comment/share/reaction (drop heart, hate, gratitude…) then, posts of people who you care are pushed on News Feed. This algorithm is applied to both Groups, Fanpages not only personal page.


So, the largest social network in the world does not let users just click the like button lazily, they must interact more to show their interested.

Updating the mutilchannel tracking Facebook Analytics

One new algorithm is applied which is Facebook Analytics. According to that, data between channels, including both Facebook pages, applications on Messenger, Website, Apps will be merged. By that, if there’s any campaign, you or your business don't have to take too much time in statistic data from channels.

In detail, thanks to the latest Facebook algorithm 2017, you or your business can have an overall measurement of the interaction, insight, user behavior... that no longer have to waste time as before.

Integrated games on Messenger

As a gamer on Facebook, from now on you can play your favorite games directly right on the Messenger without downloading any additional applications.


This step of Facebook also aimed to create a "golden egg-laying chicken" when preparing to develope ad/ shopping features on the platform games in Messenger. On the other hand, advertisers also have new options to reach customers. 

"Block" content/ads which contain links to low quality website

Currently, there are many fake news sites, just focus on shock title to attract users' curiosity. Then, leading users to sites with bad intentions, poor quality.

Always prioritize user’s experience on top, Facebook changes the algorithm to confine to display posts that include malicious links, shocked and low quality.

On the other hand, that also create pressure, it made advertisers who want to survive and prevail must enhance and improve content which is posted on their pages and should not spam too much

Remarketing through Dynamic ads

The Honest company's statistical result shows that Dynamic ads will help to increase the CTR up to 34% and reduced costs for each purchase to 38%. So Facebook will display the dynamic ads in priority rather than static ads.

Besides, this latest Facebook algorithm 2017 will update re-maketing Dynamic ads feature through customer’s behavior history. According to that, if customers interested in any product, Facebook will automatically update and display dynamic ads in priority.

Experience selecting in priority themes to display on News Feed

From now on, with the new change of Facebook, users can completely choose their interested topics to display on News Feed. In other words, when you subscribed a topic, pages and posts with related to, that topic will be display in priority.

So, users experience was concerned so much when they can choose freely what they want to see, information that they want to read.

Ask questions when you want to join Facebook group

Previously, in order to join an unpublic group on Facebook, you just have to send the request and wait for acceptance from admin. But now, you have to pass through "Gates" with series of questions from admin before being approved to join in the group.

The new algorithm will help you avoid the spam software Join Group and the clone, which helps Facebook Group has members in quality, more suitable.

Still be the largest social network in the world, Facebook wants to grow and maintain its position, must always change, enhance and prioritize user experience on the top. The Facebook algorithms 2017 is one of ways to reform and step by step develop strongly and steadily of this “Big Man”. Besides this new algorithm, you can refer articles related to Facebook ad in 2017 to supplement knowledge.
